Still time to help out Country Food Trust

The Country Food Trust has thanked those who have already contributed to its Winter Appeal, helping raise vital funds to help feed families in crisis, but says there’s still time to get involved.

The Trust, which is the official charity of The Game Fair, is well on the way to its Winter Appeal £100,000 target, which will help deliver hundreds of thousands of healthy and nutritional meals – using meats such as venison, game and turkey – to those in need.

It has already raised £73,964 for the appeal, launched by TV personality and countryside champion Adam Henson. Every tonne of meat purchased by the Trust feeds more than 10,000 people.

Country Food Trust chief executive SJ Hunt said: “We are humbled at the generosity of so many, to help those in need. We are three quarters of the way to our target of £100,000 for our winter appeal. We provide protein to foodbanks as it is the hardest food group for them to source. It is also vital or health but, due to the cost, it is often the first food group for people to forfeit. We are aiming to feed 100,000 people this winter and any donations are gratefully received.”

SJ also revealed that three in 10 children live in food poverty while 68 per cent of foodbanks cannot support demand.

She added: “But at The Country Food Trust we aim to feed 100,000 people this winter, with your help. And now we are so much closer to reaching our target.

“Protein is the hardest and most expensive food group to source yet at the CFT we send food pouches and donated meat directly to those food banks in need.”

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