Renowned television personalities and stars of the beloved series “Escape to the Chateau,” Dick and Angel Strawbridge will be hosting the VIP enclosure, sponsored by Investec Wealth & Investment (UK), on Sunday 28th July, adding an extra layer of excitement, culinary expertise and crafting know-how.
As the special guests of chef James Martin, Dick and Angel will host the VIP enclosure, alongside James, creating a unique and immersive experience for attendees and an exclusive opportunity to mingle with the stars, whilst indulging in some fine cuisine prepared by Dick and James in luxurious surroundings.
Distinctive style
Known for their passion for restoration, food, craft, hospitality and events, the Strawbridges will infuse the VIP area with their warmth and distinctive style, ensuring a memorable and delightful experience for all. In addition to catering the enclosure, Dick will also showcase his culinary skills with a game cookery demonstration within the BASC Wild Food Theatre, providing attendees with the chance to see the artistry of cooking with game meat and wild food, and be inspired to try something new. With a passion for flowers and crafting, Angel will help curate the floral displays in the VIP Enclosure in her own distinctive wild and natural style.
Dick and Angel said, “We are really thrilled to be hosts at The Game Fair VIP enclosure and we can’t wait to cook alongside James Martin and chat to all the visitors. For us, it’s the perfect way to spend a weekend.”
A spokesperson from The Game Fair said: “We are thrilled to have Dick and Angel Strawbridge as the hosts of our VIP enclosure alongside chef James Martin at The Game Fair 2024.
“Their infectious energy and passion align perfectly with the spirit of The Game Fair, we are confident that attendees will have an unforgettable time in their company, and enjoy some exceptional field to fork produce.”
You can buy your VIP Enclosure tickets for Sunday at The Game Fair here.