Industry Influencer – Tim Bonner

Tim Bonner has worked for the Countryside Alliance since 2002, when he arrived to help out dealing with the media for a few weeks before the Liberty and Livelihood March.

Over the years he has done every job there, from press officer to campaigns director and was appointed Chief Executive in 2015.

Since taking on that role he has been particularly focused on building alliances between organisations in the rural sector.

His rural credentials are equally diverse, having studied countryside management at Wye College, University of London, farmed in north Devon and participated in nearly every activity the Alliance campaigns on.

He has hunted a pack of beagles, pursues wild trout in the most remote parts of the British Isles and is a passionate wildfowler and rough shooter who is never seen in the shooting field without a dog.

Tim said: “The Countryside Alliance views The Game Fair as by far the best opportunity in the rural calendar to connect with a really diverse representation of our support base.

“There are shooting shows, fishing fairs and hound shows, but nowhere else does an organisation with a breadth of interests that the Alliance has get to engage with so many of our members and supporters.

“Our whole ethos is based on the understanding that the countryside is a complex jigsaw of shared interests and that an attack on one is an attack on all. Nowhere is that more obvious than at The Game Fair.”

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