Make your shooting voice heard – and win!

The main shooting organisations urging everyone to get involved and complete a major Game Shooting Census – with participants in with a chance of winning a Loden Field Jacket from Purdey, worth more than £900.

The Game Shooting Census – the biggest annual survey of the shooting community – is run by GunsOnPegs and Lycetts – with the support of the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation and the Countryside Alliance.

The survey focusses on driven game shooting with the results being used to help improve game shooting going forward.

It is strictly confidential and gathers data on the views and habits of Guns on a wide range of subjects, from the number of days people shoot each season to their views on conservation and the threats to shooting.

You can take part HERE

At the same time, if you are a shoot owner, there is a survey just for you, too. The Shoot Owner Census aims to understand how shoots are managed, gathering information on shoots of all shapes and sizes: big and small, commercial, syndicate, private. It also seeks to understand how shoot owners, managers and operators think and feel about key issues impacting shooting.

The results of this survey will be used by the shooting organisations in order to further our understanding of the shooting industry. Some of the results may be reported in the public domain by the project partners if they feel it would be of interest to the shooting community, but only ever in aggregate – no individuals or shoots will be personally identifiable in such results.

Once again, those completing the survey will be entered into the prize draw.

You can find that survey HERE

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