Have your say on the future of Grouse Shooting

The future of grouse shooting is set to be debated in Parliament on June 21st and the industry needs everyone’s help to ensure the facts are fully represented.

Organisations such as the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Countryside Alliance are doing all they can to provide politicians and journalists with the true facts about grouse shooting.

These organisations, along with Game Fair exhibitor William Powell Sporting, other businesses and individuals who are actively involved with grouse shooting and fieldsports, are urging you to contact your local MP to ensure they understand and defend the truth about grouse shooting and its associated management.

The debate is based on a petition launched by Chris Packham, Ruth Tingay and Mark Avery of Wild Justice and is titled ‘Ban Driven Grouse Shooting – Wilful blindness is no longer an option.’

The Government has already responded to this petition back in September 2019, stating: “Grouse shooting is a legitimate activity providing benefits for wildlife and habitat conservation and investment in remote areas. The Government appreciates that many people hold strong views on the issue of driven grouse shooting.

“The Government considers that shooting activities bring many benefits to the rural economy and can in many cases be beneficial for wildlife and habitat conservation. We recognise that it is vital that wildlife and habitats are respected and protected and the law is respected. We will continue work to ensure a sustainable, mutually beneficial relationship between shooting and conservation. The Government has no plans to ban grouse shooting.”

A spokesperson for William Powell Sporting said: “Unfortunately, Wild Justice continues to pursue this, ignoring significant evidence and making unsubstantiated claims.

“We must act together and show our support, as well as strongly promoting the facts about grouse shooting, in order to challenge this campaign and the potentially devastating impact it could have on the rural way of life, rural communities and much of our most treasured wildlife and landscapes.

“If you would like to help, please visit the Countryside Alliance website to find out who to contact for your area and for an easy-to-use letter template.”

www.countryside-alliance.org – Secure the future of Grouse Shooting

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