The Game Fair is a keenly awaited annual event by all those who love the countryside.
News of exhibitors, activities and events were reported fully in the national press this year. Click image to read full story.
The Times
The Shetland Pony Grand National is always a popular event and it made it on to the pages of The Times in July!
The Times also featured the Game Fair on 23 July in the run-up to the event, with a wonderful photograph of working dogs in front of Blenheim Palace
The Game Fair also made it onto the list of the 10 Best British Brands!
The Daily Telegraph
The Telegraph covered the gun salute that traditionally starts The Game Fair.
The Telegraph also ran a feature on Jade Holland Cooper, founder of Holland Cooper, a stand that always attracts a devoted following at The Game Fair.
The Field
Local press
The local Oxford press were also full of news about The Game Fair, encouraging Oxfordshire dwellers to go along.
Hello! magazine was excited about Dick and Angel Strawbridge “Escape to the Chateau’ presence in the VIP Enclosure at The Game Fair.