The Country Food Trust appointed as official Charity of The Game Fair 2021

Adam Henson patron of The Country Food Trust

Thousands facing food poverty are set to benefit from a new partnership between The Game Fair and The Country Food Trust.

The Country Food Trust, founded in 2015 to help feed people who live in food poverty in the UK with delicious and nutritious meals, has been appointed as Official Charity of The Game Fair for 2021.

Activation of the partnership will begin immediately and will also include various fundraising streams in place at the festival of the countryside, to be held at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire from 23-25 July 2021.

The Country Food Trust (CFT) are a charity food producer making top quality protein based ready meals  that are donated to charities who feed people in need. During March, The Country Food Trust launched their Coronavirus Appeal as the demand for food from the charities they support skyrocketed as more and more people fell into food poverty. The most recent appeal has resulted in the charity passing the  1.5 million meals mark being distributed to those in need since inception.

The Game Fair managing director James Gower said: “The Game Fair team are delighted to focus our efforts and give The Country Food Trust an elevated fundraising platform both at the event and through our partnership activity over the coming year. With ethical and sustainable food sourcing at the heart of The Game Fair, the synergies are numerous and The Game Fair’s audience and vast reach, will undoubtedly be able to further the causes of the trust and help to raise much needed funds.”

Tim Woodward, CEO, The Country Food Trust added “I am so pleased The Country Food Trust has been appointed as The Game Fair official charity. The demand for our food is extraordinary as more and more people fall into food poverty adding to the 8 million people classified in that category.  We have set ourselves the ambitious  target of providing an additional 250,000 meals to people in need on the back of our connection to The Game Fair next year

CFT Patrons Phil Spencer and Adam Henson started immediately hatching exciting plans for the show.

“I am delighted to be able to combine my enjoyment of The Game Fair with the critical work of the CFT” said Phil Spencer. “ We are going to introduce some great activities for people to get involved with whilst educating and raising money at the same time”. “ I make a mean pheasant curry” said Phil “just make sure you get to the cookery theatre in time, I can’t promise to make the same recipe twice but we will certainly have some fun”.

Meanwhile Adam Henson said “The Covid-19 pandemic has brought people back to The Countryside.  The importance of England’s wonderful spaces and landscapes have shown to be vital for health and happiness.  I attend The Game Fair regularly and with The Country Food Trust official status next year, we can continue to raise awareness of the important work we do to help those finding themselves in food poverty, whilst giving visitors something to smile about”.

Visitors can find out how to support The Country Food Trust by visiting various areas of the show including the new Wild Food area.  Donations can also be made whilst booking tickets.

You can donate directly to The Country Food Trust by visiting

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