National Game Fair LTD/Stable Events produce events for the enjoyment of all those persons who attend.
The licence for each event is granted under strict conditions of attendance and public safety, prevention of disorder and prevention of public nuisance. Any person who disrupts the event under any of the below sections will leave themselves liable for eviction from site. The decision as to the eviction will be at the discretion of the Head of Operations/Managing Director following advice from security staff and line managed by the Security Co-ordinator and Campsite Manager.
Persons will be liable for eviction under the following circumstances:
Entering or being onsite without a ticket or relevant pass/ wristband
- Unacceptable, disruptive or anti-social behaviour.
- Having been arrested or cautioned in connection with a criminal offence, pending or post hand-over to the Police.
Unacceptable behaviour that can lead to eviction includes:
- Illegal activity.
- Breaching the terms and conditions of entry.
- Offensive behaviour.
- Encouraging others to behave badly by incitement.
- Preventing our security or emergency services reacting to a situation.
- Committing a criminal offence but not arrested by the police.
- Any other behaviour that leaves the Managing Director holder open to prosecution or is not conducive to maintaining a safe event
Eviction Procedure
All persons evicted from site will be processed via an onsite Security team. All persons presented for ejection by security will be interviewed by the Ejection Team who are independent from security and their details will be recorded in a database with their full personal details, a photograph, date and time and the reasons for ejection.
All persons who are to be evicted will be able to make a telephone call if they do not have a mobile phone in order to contact immediate members of their group and/or family, using a free phone service.
Persons who are to be evicted will need to phone a friend on site to collect their belongings before their ejection as they themselves will not be permitted back into the event to find them. The Organiser will not be responsible for ensuring that they leave site with their belongings.
All evictees will be evicted from site and their tickets will be removed to prevent them re- entering the event.
If the evictee is vulnerable or under the influence of alcohol/drugs. And therefore, is unable to leave the site/call a responsible person to assist.