We are once again joined at The Game Fair by key organisations within the sport who are keen to share their activities with visitors
ENGLISH DISABLED FLY FISHERS (EDFF) A charitable organisation that provides opportunities for disabled individuals to enjoy fly fishing. The EDFF organises events, offers support and training, and promotes inclusivity within the sport. It aims to improve the quality of life for disabled people through the therapeutic benefits of fly fishing.
ANGLING TRADES ASSOCIATION (ATA) The national trade body for the angling industry, the ATA represents the interests of businesses involved in fishing tackle, bait, clothing and accessories by promoting angling, lobbying for favourable policies, and organising events including National Fishing Month, which is being launched at The Game Fair with the support of the Angling Trust, Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust.
Tackling Minds is a pioneering non-profit organisation using fishing as therapy to support mental health. It caters to diverse needs, from mental health issues to social deprivation. Its sessions, led by empathetic coaches, offer tranquillity and community,promoting wellbeing through nature.
ANGLERS NATIONALLINE RECYCLING SCHEME (ANLRS) Recycling is part of all our daily lives and the benefits of preventing line ending up in landfill or being incinerated are obvious. As anglers, we treasure the environments that we fish in and the wildlife found around them, so line recycling showcases how the community can take unwanted line and waste and turn it into great items like sunglasses and rod stands.
The volunteer-led, donation funded ANLRS has bins located nationwide in nearly 400 tackle shops,over 200 fisheries and angling club waters along with 80 bins at popular sea angling locations. To date the scheme has recycled over 130 million metres of fishing line and 100,000+ plastic line spools. In 2023 the volunteers helped launch a new charity called ReAP UK which focuses on the facilitating the recovery and recycling in the UK of all aquatic plastics from our waterways and coastal waters Please come along during your visit and chat about how you can support our precious aquatic habitats and wildlife from the threat of plastic litter.
FLY FISHERS INTERNATIONAL Fly Fishers International is a global organisation dedicated to fly fishing education, conservation, and community. It provides resources, certifications, and events to promote ethical angling practices. With a focus on preserving aquatic habitats, FFI aims to ensure the sustainability of fly fishing for future generations while fostering a worldwide community of enthusiasts.
Fishing for Heroes is a nationwide charity based in the Midlands and founded in 2009. It offers fly fishing as therapy for veterans with PTSD and other combatrelated conditions. In addition to this, it provides support through fishing events, counselling and community engagement, aiming to improve mental health and well-being for veterans by leveraging the therapeutic benefits of fly fishing